Katie Bogen & Maoz Inon - Pioneering Peace: Conscious Travel Bridging Foes

1 videos • 0 views • by Super Humanizer Join Maoz Inon, award winning Israeli peace activist and social entrepreneur, as he transforms personal tragedy into a powerful mission for peace and coexistence. After losing his parents in the October 7th tragedy, Maoz's commitment to bridging divides between Israelis and Palestinians only grew stronger. Discover how conscious tourism fosters cross cultural understanding and economic support to strengthen both Arab neighborhoods and Jewish-Arab solidarity in Israel. Maoz shares intimate reflections on his upbringing with peace activist parents, the profound impact of empathy over revenge, and the vital role of international support and grassroots organizations in amplifying the voices of peace-builders. This episode delves into themes of forgiveness, resilience, social impact and the power of human connection. #podcastsforpeace #allchildrenareourchildren #humanityisbeautiful #lovewins #storiesforlove