Ghost at Laurel Gardens

2 videos • 2 views • by Matthew Gonzales The video is real. The building was built by the grandfather of the woman in the unit on the first floor and to the left. Oddly enough she was also Suzanne Summers’s personal assistant. Her mother owned the 23 unit building at this time and my wife and I worked for the management company hired by her to manage the property. Before the camera was setup, our tenant above was coming home when she noted her mailbox was broken. She decided to stop by and tell us and that’s when I went to check on it and she came inside to speak to my wife. After looking at the damage, I came back to our apartment to write up a work order when just as I’m rounding the corner I hear three loud knocks. I walk into the area where the first floor apartments are, there are two floors, expecting to see our upstairs tenant knocking on our door. But as I came into the area she was peaking through our door asking me if I was knocking on my own door. I thought there maybe a homeless person living in the vacant apartment above the owner’s daughter’s apartment, which was vacant at the time and ready to be leased. I went up with our boxer Mila and checked the entire apartment but found nothing. When we came back to our apartment where our tenant, my wife and our 11 year old son were, she and my wife started describing how they’d heard and saw the door knob rattling very hard several times. Like someone was trying to get in. Our tenant asked that Mila and I also check her apartment which we did and nothing. We checked on the owners daughter via telephone and she said she was fine and didn’t hear any knocking. I produced events and concerts back then and had a camera that I’d use for interviews with artists, etc… I set it up in the corner of the stairwell leading to the second floor apartments. After everyone settled down and the tenant went home we hoped that was it. All of the doors have metal door knockers and a screen door. Our front door was open and our screen door was closed. Our dog Mila laid in front of the screen door facing outside. Suddenly I saw Mila stand up and start to back away slowly from our door. She was staring directly at something through the screen door. I told my wife who was already watching Mila as Mila then started to growl, all of which you’ll hear in the video, before the loud door knocker. When I listened back to the audio I heard a very distinct click sound, then I heard footsteps walking up the stairs as our dog starts growling. You hear light knocks before the loud one. We didn’t hear any of the light knocking until we played back the video. You’ll then see myself, my wife, and our upstairs tenant came out acknowledging what we all heard.