Korea Candlelight protest in 2024.12.14

9 videos • 8 views • by D.I.L.E.T.T.A.N.T.E. Experience the essence of Korean democracy through a VR representation of a candlelight protest. This 360-degree video was captured on December 14, 2024, during a nationwide demonstration calling for the impeachment of President Yoon Suk-yeol. With immersive visuals, the video preserves the raw energy and spirit of this peaceful yet powerful civic movement, showcasing Korea’s vibrant protest culture to the world. Feel the fervor and hear the voices of participants as you virtually step into the heart of the event, witnessing the unwavering commitment of Korean citizens to protect democracy. As the creator of this video, I owe you an apology. Although I spent six hours on-site, I failed to prepare enough memory to capture every moment. Regrettably, I missed parts of the crucial final vote announcement due to this oversight. I acknowledge that this video is incomplete and may offer an imperfect experience, and I sincerely apologize for this shortcoming. Still, I decided to share this video, however imperfect it may be, in hopes of allowing more people to witness and experience the spirit of our peaceful protest. #korea #민주주의 #촛불시위 #평화적시위 #360영상 #VR체험 #Democracy #CandlelightProtest #PeacefulResistance #360Video #VRExperience #KCandlelight #KProtest #KDemocracy #KPeacefulResistance