- Solo, Trio & Quartet

8 videos • 28 views • by Marco Benevento Holding court behind a dizzying array of vintage keyboards, upright and toy pianos, pedals, samplers and other circuit bent gadgets, Benevento has established a reputation as one of the most exciting young keyboardists to emerge in the last decade. Marco Benevento's career as a solo artist began almost unintentionally. During down time from touring with The Duo in 2006, his manager suggested he set up a residency at the late great improvisational music venue Tonic in New York City. Those five nights in November featured a long list of Benevento's musical friends such as Mike Gordon (Phish), Steven Bernstein (Sex Mob), Claude Coleman (Ween) and Mike Dillon (Mike Dillon's Go-Go Jungle) amongst a host of others.