Betty's Love Story

25 videos • 4,574 views • by Big Woolly Bastard This is a series of unedited videos called Betty's Love Story, showing how love changed everything for a wee heartbroken mammy and her weans. She was very sick, and we needed to find our way to trust very quickly so I could get her the medical help she needs. I met Betty and her wee babies May Blossom, Butter Cup and Dandy Lion when I did an emergency dash to collect them up last week, on Thursday 16th May. She had been dumped on Tuesday, handed in as a 'stray' tae the PDSA in Edinburgh (we doubt that very much). She was about tae give birth, and her 7 wee bundles joined this shit show of a world a couple of hours after she was left there by the monsters who broke her. She needed medicine, but aw the medication in the world cannae heal a broken heart. Only love can dae that. (To help me care for Betty and her babies, and everyb'dy else who has found safety at Ringliggate:, thank you everyone who has asked how they can help!)