Making Kukri - Pak Noer Mimbaan Situbondo

14 videos • 17,974 views • by artevac channel This is the process of making Kukri 3 Chirri by Mr. Noer Mimbaan Situbondo. Made of stainless steel Ats 34 is best at this type of steel. Carbon content and high khromiumnya, rust-free material with hardness 60-61 HRC max. The chemical composition is C = 1.3% SI = 0.25% Mn = 0.41% Cr = 13.74% Mo 5.6% P = 0.26% S = 0.001% Scapbard made of Sono Keling, Jati or Santigi Wood. If you are interested in ordering please contact Mr. Noer Jl.Argopuro GG Apotik Mimbaan Situbondo - Phone 0338-5545185. Mr. Noer expert in the making: Kukri, Karambit, Knives Commando, Samurai,Cllurit, etc.