The Laws of Torah Study - Clips
188 videos • 40 views • by BeEzrat HaShem Learn with Lerner HaShem described His people like this, “My son, My firstborn, Israel.” (Exodus 4:22) However, even as His firstborn, many lost the connection and service to their Father in Heaven, trap themselves into an empty life of chasing materialism, and enslaved by animalistic desires. Living in the End of Days, we are surrounded by darkness and confusions, with little light or clarify, but pretend to see. Fortunately, HaShem provides cure for such spiritual illness — His Holy Torah. Even if the pandemic of ignorance engulfed many, more are waking up, urge to grasp the source of light, and return to Him. With unfathomable love and kindness, HaShem has waited us to get back to Him for more than 3,000 years, and we know the path of returning is learning Torah. Learn with Rabbi Lev Leib Lerner, follow Rambam’s holy teaching “Hilchot Talmud Torah” (The Laws of Torah Study), fulfill the mitzvot of studying Torah and honoring those who study it and know it, and Be’Ezrat HaShem, we will better serve and return to our Father in Heaven.