The Laws of Teshuvah
34 videos • 34 views • by BeEzrat HaShem Learn with Lerner Man has a special mission in this world. Born out of the lowly earth, with a spark of Godly core installed by HaShem, man has the potential and free will to elevate themselves from the earth to heaven. Therefore, life in this world is a constant struggle between the earthly animalistic desire and the lofty spiritual mission of serving HaShem. Through learning Torah and fulfilling mitzvot, man can gain a deeper awareness of the Divine spark within their soul, elevate themselves to a higher spiritual level, and return to the Creator, the only Source of light and Truth. However, when a person sins, his soul is tainted, and the connection between him and HaShem becomes weaker and dimmer. Only with sincere Teshuvah, repentance, the person is able to appeal to G-d for atonement, rebuild the spiritual connection, and return to HaKadosh Baruch Hu. Building on the cornerstone of the Jewish faith, Rambam depicted a clear path of Teshuvah with practical halachot. In “Hilchot Teshuvah”, from the process of repentance to transforming life in totality to the service of HaShem without self-concern, Rambam guided us on the Holy journey of elevating our spiritual level and returning to our Father in Heaven. Learn with Rabbi Lev Leib Lerner, follow the instruction of our holy sages and Be’Ezrat HaShem, we will return to HaKadosh Baruch Hu, and merit the ultimate salvation.