Christopher Waver - VARIABLES (PLT028)

8 videos • 481 views • by PLUTO Sound ‘VARIABLES’, Christopher Waver’s fourth release out now on PLUTO Sound. Download from Bandcamp: ~ I always create more tracks for albums than those that actually make it to the final release. Between my live-sets I changed the setup a lot, and experiment with the tracks, put something in, get something out. and also some of the ideas had different purposes before. few of these ideas floating around in the past years that never get done. The idea for this Mini-LP was to collect these unfinished - or differently finished - projects, accommodate, recreate them into a proper release. The title 'VARIABLES' came from the idea of these floating, always changing ideas, and the conclusion that you can never really finish any song until you find or make purpose to them. ~ variable /ˈvɛːrɪəb(ə)l/ adjective adjective: variable 1. not consistent or having a fixed pattern; liable to change. (of a wind) tending to change direction. MATHEMATICS (of a quantity) able to assume different numerical values. BOTANY, ZOOLOGY (of a species) liable to deviate from the typical colour or form, or to occur in different colours or forms. 2. able to be changed or adapted. (of a gear) designed to give varying ratios or speeds. noun noun: variable; plural noun: variables 1. an element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change. MATHEMATICS a quantity which during a calculation is assumed to vary or be capable of varying in value. COMPUTING a data item that may take on more than one value during the runtime of a program. ASTRONOMY short for variable star. the region of light, variable winds to the north of the NE trade winds or (in the southern hemisphere) between the SE trade winds and the westerlies. ~ All songs and artwork created and modified by Kristóf Huszár Recording/Mixing/Mastering by Kristóf Huszár Vocal sample used in 'Uncertainty Exponent': ( Additional guitar sample on 'Didacticism' by Bálint Kriska ~ 2018 PLUTO Sound