Christopher Waver - Chronon EP (PLT022) (Continuous mix, synopsis in desc.)

1 videos • 6 views • by PLUTO Sound ‘CHRONON EP’, Christopher Waver’s third release out now on PLUTO Sound. This story is a direct sequel to the world created in Christopher Waver LP (PLT012). ( All songs, artwork and story created by Kristóf Huszár Additional vocals on ‘What Happened to Us’ by Dalma Tamara Puskás Download from Bandcamp: Synopsis: 00:00 ~ THE GEOLOGIST OUTRO The scientists still don’t know how to travel through time. However, one of the Geologists went too far in the research. He proved the existence of chronons, the as yet invisible unit of time. With this knowledge, he created a formula to turn himself into a timeless being so he can interact with his planet as a whole. Now he feels all that had happened before, but the future is still unpredictable to him… 01:10 ~ WHAT HAPPENED TO US The planet is in its modern era. The evolution reached the state of human intelligence. The inhabitant humans decided to stop the terraforming process. They got tired of the sounds they created to terraform. Nobody plays music for enjoyment these days because it turned into a tool, not an art form. Our geologist started his research in the century of silence, only to find this was humanity’s biggest mistake. The planet’s fauna stopped to grow, and the inhabitants got more depressed on a day-to-day basis. They didn’t even want to figure it out why. The people’s ignorance turned the Geologist to the conclusion to work harder on his research of time. 04:17 ~ IRREVERSIBLE FLUX With his new abilities and the knowledge of all living things on the planet, he built a quantum gateway ship. With this machine, he traveled back in time and space to Earth’s 21st century to study what went wrong, so maybe he can save his own planet. He learned that by the year of 2070, the people of Earth got bored by music too. Not just bored but they feared of the terror the governments made by sounds. They erased entire cities with deadly sound waves. He terrified by the idea of interacting with Earth’s timeline, so he decided to go further back in time to the year 2017, when the people still loved music. He studied this year silently for a hundred years in his time. He learned that only the sounds can connect people back together, so he went forward to his era before all the sadness started. 09:35 ~ CHRONON Because of all this terror in his mind, he decided to make music for the first time in his life. His plan was to restart the terraforming process, but also the people’s interest in music’s healing powers. He recreated all the musical instruments he liked from the past, connected them to his quantum ship and played all parts himself at the same time. He stayed behind the curtains because the planet’s fauna reacts to his waves in the atomic scale. His plan with the terraforming worked, the planet continued to grow. However he came up to the realization that he remained the last musician, because he erased himself from the timeline. No one will ever know about what he did, and he will never know if people will ever start to love music again. If he stops living this loop, all his efforts will gone, so he has to play his sounds forever and ever… ~~~ 11:14 ~ THE GEOLOGIST Does evolution operate the same on life everywhere? It seems not to be the case. Evolution might function differently elsewhere in the galaxy. We could envision a planet dominated by earth like creatures in different colors and shapes, but not this. The fauna here lays on a different level of existing. The planet operates as a single living thing. Everything communicates with each other in a complex language by wavelengths. The scientists who call themselves geologists have so little details on the phenomenon yet. But in the process of learning the language of the planet, they started realizing something. If we had been able to save our old planet earth, it would possibly reach that state evolutionary. But we don’t know how to travel through time yet. 2017 PLUTO Sound