Super Metroid - 14% (Low%) speedrun in 0:27 by Saturn

5 videos • 2,875 views • by SaturnTAS This is a 14% (also known as "glitchless/legit low%") speedrun of Super Metroid, that aims to beat the game with the least amount of items possible if not using any major glitches such as out of room traveling, boss skipping etc. Because of the limited conditions in ammo and equipment, it also allows to show off alot of new and never before seen speed tricks and boss strategies I developed for this run exclusively, such as: - Horizontal Bomb Jumping over the WS-Lake without collecting the Missile Pack: - Phantoon 2-Round kill with only one Missile Pack: - Draygon 2-Round kill without Speed Booster: ...and much more. On top of that, it uses a very optimized route to avoid backtracking as much as possible. All this, finally allowed a game completion of only 0:27 minutes, which is the fastest time possible for this kind of run. I even managed to avoid entering the Pause Screen/Menu completely, except to switch off the Suit for the unavoidable Gravity Jump trick, making the run even more entertaining and faster in realtime. Mainly recorded between July 2007 and January 2008, with a slight improvement added in July 2008 to escape the Big Metroid even faster (thanks to Cpadolf). And now finally decided to upload it here. Enjoy! ---------- Notes: This is a tool-assisted speedrun. More info at The full run is also available in a high quality AVI for download: