Aries Zodiac Sign ♈

4 videos • 11 views • by Cosmic Collection An Aries is anyone born between March 21 and April 20. Ruled by the fiery planet of Mars, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac cycle and people born under this sign are proud of it. They have a unique personality, to say the least. They’re passionate and independent, and at the same time, they can be pretty needy and stubborn. Aries are natural born leaders and thrive in postions of power. They may at times lack patience and can be very impulsive, but they also have many fantastic personality traits, and are great people to be around with there natural optimism, and positve energy. ARIES are highly compatible with 😀 Sagittarius Leo Aquarius ARIES are least compatible with 🙄 Cancer Capricorn Pisces Thanks For Watching!!! The Team At Cosmic Collection.