Shift your Mindset, Change your Life: Don't Think of A Blue Ball - The Video-Book 33 Episodes
34 videos • 603 views • by maltibhojwani Malti shares exercises from “Don’t Think of a Blue Ball” in a x part series of 33 short videos. Ending Your Life as You Know It & Plugging In to Source Look at the patterns you have been repeating and therefore getting the same results, over and over. By looking at the results, you can refocus on desired results. Re familiarize yourself with what you really want instead of living on a default setting. There is a higher purpose and energy involved in your manifestations. Learn how to plug in to it and notice when you are not plugged. Realise that we are always plugged into something, instill the conscious habit of connecting to your inner self, higher self or the Universe. Learn body positions of powerful presence to help you communicate and be able to affect rather than being affected. Become an antenna resonating with dignity Making it Public & Moving Forward The power of deciding and then declaring. Jigsaw Puzzle Visualization Exercise using NLP techniques to see the desired outcome and reinforce trust. Take the first steps even when you are not sure how to proceed and trust your inner navigational system. Come up with your personal declaration and practice the body position to help you embody it. Replacing Negativity Stories we tell ourselves can create limiting beliefs that present obstacles in being able to have what we want. Change the stories and change your outcome. You can’t unthink if you haven’t already thought of a Blue Ball. When you say No to something, you are saying yes to something else. Just like how a hot-air balloon navigates through the sky by riding the direction of the wind, sometimes you, too, have to stop doing and start allowing. Letting Go, Coincidences and Intuition We make the best choice based on the available alternatives at the time. Forgiveness is the only way to freedom. Ridding yourself of regrets that hold you back and “missed-opportunities”. Trust your intuition and learn to hone your ability to know. Synchronicity and coincidences are everywhere, you can either live like everything is randomly unrelated, or you can see the magic. Love, Wealth and Health It is only when we become aware of all the love already around us that we can be open to more. Love is compassion, you have to be open to feeling, to love and be loved. Placing your relationship ‘order’ with the Universe and how to nurture your relationships. Acknowledge the wealth you already have, trust that you are just an instrument of the Universe’s limitless opulence and supply. Do your work, and focus on the value you are giving out in order to feel healthy and be wealthy. Thankfulness, Appreciation and Gratitude Having an attitude of gratitude and appreciation will lead to more to be grateful for. Allow people to give to you as well and be willing to ask for help.