Health Education Lecture Series - Intros
11 videos • 9 views • by Laura Beaty MD This is an introduction to the topics covered in Dr. Laura Beaty's health education lecture series. She is available for public speaking engagements for corporate wellness programs and more. Dr. Laura Beaty is a family medicine physician and health education advocate. She provides wellness, aesthetic and urgent care medicine in Metro Atlanta. She has a newsletter and her website is for blog articles and more. Her education topics include cancer awareness, heart disease prevention, emergency responsiveness, dementia concerns, gut microbiome, the loneliness epidemic and much, much more. #healtheducation #publicspeaker #wellnesseducation #familymedicine #mdspin #drlaurabeaty #laurabeatymd #urgentcare #healthnewsyoucanuse #corporatewellness #lectureseries #obesitymanagement #cancercorner #aesthetics101 #gutmicrobiome #heartsmart #heartattackprevention #savinglives #lonelinessepidemic #antiaging #longevitymedicine #understandingprescriptiondrugs #insomniamanagement #physicianeducator #physicianspeaker