💕神医九小姐 | Great Doctor Miss Nine

4 videos • 2,491 views • by 喵喵动漫社 💕动漫简介: 动画讲述了现代美艳神医圣手君九在一次丹药拍卖中意外坠亡,穿越到了一个古代废材九小姐的身上。这个九小姐本是皇城两大世家之一的君家嫡女,因为父母双亡而被本家下放到风罗城的君家分家,且生前在风罗君家受尽屈辱,被逼而亡。君九继承了九小姐全部的记忆,发誓要一血前耻。无奈这位九小姐是个无法灵气入体的废柴,在这个崇尚武力的修仙世界里,穿越后的她先是通过自己惊世骇俗的医术为自己洗筋伐髓、提升修炼天赋,后又广结善缘、小心铺路。且看君九如何手刃仇人、血洗风罗分家,开始她一代天之娇女的传奇故事。 🌟【Synopsis】 The animation tells the story of Jun Jiu, a modern and beautiful divine doctor saint, who accidentally crashes in a potion auction and crosses over to the body of an ancient scrap nine miss. This Miss Nine was originally the first daughter of the Jun family, one of the two major families in the Imperial City, but because of the death of her parents, she was sent down by her own family to a branch of the Jun family in the city of Wind Luo, and she was forced to die after being humiliated in the Jun family in Wind Luo during her lifetime. Jun Jiu inherited all of Miss Nine's memories and vowed to avenge her past shame. Unable to help this nine miss is a can't aura into the body of the loser, in this revered force cultivation world, after crossing the immortal world, she first through their own shocking medical skills for their own cleansing, enhance the talent of cultivation, and after a wide range of good karma, careful to pave the way. Let's see how Jun Jiu kills her enemy, blood cleanses the Wind Luo branch family, and begins the legendary story of her generation of heavenly daughters.