Highway Driving Smart
12 videos • 3,643 views • by Smart Drive Test For some, driving on the highway driving is scary. The speed is above 50mph (80kph) and there's a lot going on. There is good news however. There are few, if any, vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclists and other slow moving vehicles.) There tend to be fewer intersections, and the curves are gentle with camber that allows higher speeds. At high speeds, many drivers follow too close, don't leave enough space when merging, and might even cut you off. In worst-case scenarios of road rage, some might even "brake check" you. Brake checking is when a driver gets in front of you and intentionally slams on the brakes. It's an incredibly dangerous move at speed. To combat social driving, manage space well. That will give you time to respond accordingly. Have a 3 to 5 second following distance between your vehicle and traffic in front. With good following distance, you can predict traffic patterns, and determine the individual actions of road users. And most important, drive in the spaces between the clusters of vehicles on the road. As you get more experience driving on highways, you’ll see that other drivers cluster together in groups. Stay out of those groups of vehicles. If something happens to one vehicle, it’s often going to happen to a few… or all.