Course - Smarter Defensive Driving

13 videos • 1,418 views • by Smart Drive Test If you're NOT near anything, it's less likely that you'll hit something. Managing space around your vehicle is the basic skill of the Smarter Defensive Driving System. Maintain a 2 to 3 second following distance at all times. Stop in traffic one-vehicle length back from the vehicle in front. And have a minimum of 3'ft (1 metre) between your vehicle and cyclists, pedestrians, kids on e-scooters, and other vulnerable road users. Observe correctly by moving your head. Shoulder check, shoulder check, shoulder check. NOT shoulder checking is to driving what NOT checking to see if a weapon is loaded is to gun safety. MIT - map intersections as you're approaching and track road users there that could potentially cross your path of travel. More than 40% of crashes occur at intersections. And it is here that you're going to encounter vulnerable road users. In high-income countries such as the United States, Great Britain and Spain, vulnerable road users make up 25% of traffic fatalities. Map intersection, track road users here, and manage space accordingly.