G20 Summit Playlist | G20 Summit Latest News & Update

4 videos • 5 views • by Grooming Business Insights This playlist provides the latest news and updates on the G20 Summit, which will be held in New Delhi, India on September 9-10, 2023. The G20 is an international forum for the world's major economies to discuss global economic and financial issues. The summit will focus on a number of important topics, including: Agriculture and food security: The G20 will discuss how to ensure global food security in the face of rising prices and climate change. Digitalisation and innovation: The G20 will explore how to use digital technologies to boost economic growth and create jobs. Anti-corruption: The G20 will work to combat corruption and promote good governance around the world. Sustainability: The G20 will discuss how to address climate change and other environmental challenges. Employment, gender, education and social policies: The G20 will focus on ways to promote inclusive growth and shared prosperity. Financial markets and international financial architecture: The G20 will discuss how to make the global financial system more stable and resilient. Global health: The G20 will work to improve global health outcomes and prevent future pandemics. This playlist will be updated with new videos as the summit progresses. Stay tuned for the latest news and updates on the G20 Summit! Here are some of the videos that you can expect to find in this playlist: G20 Summit: Latest news and updates G20 leaders arrive in New Delhi G20 leaders hold talks on global economy G20 summit concludes with a commitment to act on climate change G20 summit: What did we learn?