Economic & Financial Statecraft

20 videos • 29 views • by Prague Security Studies Institute In this era of unprecedented global interdependence, international economic and financial (E&F) relations have become an integral part of every nation’s foreign policy. While the world’s interconnectedness has produced tremendous gains in economic prosperity, it has also created a complex array of security threats and vulnerabilities in state to state relations. Some of these threats emanate from the use of economic and financial statecraft by adversaries. For example, they can take the form of seemingly commercial business endeavors, often carried out by state-controlled enterprises but designed to compromise a targeted country. These kinds of transactions and projects, business that has traditionally been viewed as benign and even desirable, now carry strategic implications that PSSI’s Economic and Financial Statecraft Program intends to help illuminate. Specifically, this Program aims to improve national and economic security through cutting-edge empirical research into Chinese and Russian transactions and entities implicated by this area of risk and by working to build consensus around new E&F principles within the Western security community. #PSSIeconfin