Tessellation | Educational Animated Videos

4 videos • 987 views • by Chris Watson Tessellation educational animation videos: A selection of videos that explain the basic principles behind tessellation and give you tutorials and resources to make your own tessellating patterns. The selection also includes videos of professional tessellation artwork, which demonstrate the design and development process from start to finish. 1) What is Tessellation? | by M. C. Escher inspired, Tessellation Art This educational tessellation video animation, explains the basic principles behind tessellating shapes and patterns. It shows a simple visual demonstration of tessellating triangles, squares and hexagons. It also explains how they can be transformed using translation, rotation and glide reflection to create shapes like fish. 2) Make a Tessellation BIRD | By M. C. Escher inspired Tessellation Art This educational tessellation animation video shows you how to make a tessellating bird pattern from a square piece of paper. Download worksheets at www.tessellationart.com/resources 3) Skull Series Canvas Artwork | Behind the scenes | Tessellation Art Skulls is a new triptych digital artwork composition inspired by M. C. Escher’s work on tessellation and infinity. This behind-the-scenes video gives an animated, time-lapse overview of the entire design and development process in just 3 minutes. Check out the finished skull artwork on canvas and prints at http://shop.tessellationart.com/t/--s... 4) Skater Boy | Tessellation Art The first ever tessellating mosaic - skater style! For more information, tutorials, school lesson material, resources, design development, prints & canvases visit www.tessellationart.com. TO STAY UP TO DATE WITH NEW VIDEOS SUBSCRIBE TO TESSELLATION ART!