17 videos • 500 views • by FCS GROUP 富強鑫 富強鑫集團以創造高附加價值產品為理念,結合全球化與多角化之經營策略,除深耕射出成型機本業之研發、生產與銷售外,另設有纜線事業部;自2001年起,更跨足3C光電與材料科技產業,以期引領富強鑫集團航向更高精密與高科技領域,提昇企業價值與國際競爭力達成永續經營之目標。 Fu Chun Shin Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd. (FCS) was founded in 1974. The name came from a lathe factory which Mr. Po Hsun Wang, the Chairman co-founded with his brothers at Fu Chun Road, Tainan, Taiwan. In 1978, FCS was successfully transformed into plastic injection molding machine manufacturer. In 1991 FCS moved to present location Guanmiao, to establish a global operation headquarters in response to the expanding scope of business, and so far it has set up two factories in Dongguan and Ningbo, mainland China. To pursue the better operational efficiency, in 2004, FCS received emerging stock approval from the Over-the-Counter Securities Exchange and becomes the only publicly traded professional injection molding machine manufacture in Taiwan.