SSIS - Sql Server Integration Service

22 videos • 78 views • by Bhaskar Berry SSIS - Transformations -------------------------------------------------- 1.Audit Transformation: The Audit transformation enables the data flow in a package to include data about the environment in which the package runs. -------------------------------------------------- 2.Character Map Transformation: Applies string fuinctions to character data. -------------------------------------------------- 3.Conditional Split Transformation: Conditional Split This transformation separates input rows into separate output pipelines based on a Boolean expression configured for each output. -------------------------------------------------- 4.MultiCast Transformation: The Multicast transformation distributes its input to one or more outputs. -------------------------------------------------- 5. Merge Transformation: Merge Transformation in SSIS is used to merge two inputs (such as tables or files) and produce one output. -------------------------------------------------- 6.Merge Join Transformation: The Merge Join Combine to sorted data into one output using the FULL, LEFT or INNER JOIN. -------------------------------------------------- 7.Union All Transformation: The Union All transformation combines multiple inputs into one output. -------------------------------------------------- 8.Copy Column Transformation: The Copy Column transformation creates new columns by copying input columns and adding the new columns to the transformation output. -------------------------------------------------- 9.Aggregate Transformation: The Aggregate transformation applies aggregate functions, such as Average, to column values and copies the results to the transformation output. -------------------------------------------------- 10.Sort Transformation: Sorts the input data in ascending or descending order when it cannot be sorted at its source. -------------------------------------------------- 11.Data Conversion Transformation: This transformation applies data conversion functions to change data type, column length, or precision and scale to an input column and adds a column with the new data to the output row. -------------------------------------------------- 12.Derived Column Transformation: The Derived Column transformation creates new column values by applying expressions to transformation input columns. -------------------------------------------------- 13.Import Column Transformation The Import Column transformation reads data from files and adds the data to columns in a data flow. -------------------------------------------------- 14.Row Count Transformation: The Row Count transformation counts rows as they pass through a data flow and stores the final count in a variable. -------------------------------------------------- 15.Percentage Sampling Transformation: This transformation create sample data from large input, the selection of data is randomly determined, it痴 used with data mining model, you can divide a dataset into two datasets, one for training the mining model, and one for testing the mining model. -------------------------------------------------- 16.Row Sampling Transformation: The Row Sampling transformation is used to obtain a randomly selected subset of an input dataset. You can specify the exact size of the output sample, and specify a seed for the random number generator. -------------------------------------------------- 17.Pivot Transformation: There is many times required to convert the rows to columns to visualize data in a different way. Pivot Transform in SSIS helps to perform the task. ------------------------------------------------- 18.UnPivot Transformation: There is many times required to convert the Columns to rows to visualize data in a different way. UnPivot Transform in SSIS helps to perform the task. ------------------------------------------------- 19.FUZZY GROUPING Transformation: Fuzzy Grouping is used to detect duplication and eliminate the duplicate row based on similarity of stings in selected columns. ------------------------------------------------- 20. Lookup Transformation: The Lookup transformation performs lookups by joining data in input columns with columns in a reference dataset. You use the lookup to access additional information in a related table that is based on values in common columns. ------------------------------------------------- 21.Fuzzy Lookup Transformation: The Fuzzy Lookup transformation performs data cleaning tasks such as standardizing data, correcting data, and providing missing values. -------------------------------------------------