Federico Ardila: Combinatorial Commutative Algebra

38 videos • 16,379 views • by Federico Ardila LECTURE INDEX AT: http://math.sfsu.edu/federico/teachin... A Spring 2009 course on Combinatorial Commutative Algebra at SFSU and Los Andes taught by Federico Ardila. I have taught 5 joint courses: - Matroids (2007) - Coxeter Groups (2008) - Combinatorial Commutative Algebra (2009) - Polytopes (2010) - Hopf Algebras and Combinatorics (2012) All videos are available on youtube. (Channel: federicoelmatematico) I was a bit hesitant to post all of this for anyone to see. Everyone makes mistakes when they teach, but not everyone immortalizes them on the internet. :) But I decided the lectures might be useful to people so I posted them anyway. If you have found them helpful, please let me know how you are using them. I welcome your comments and feedback; drop me an email to myfirstname at sfsu dot edu. This work is part of the SFSU-Colombia Combinatorics Initiative, and is partially supported by the grants: NSF Grant DMS-0801075 NSF CAREER Award DMS-0956178 of the US National Science Foundation.