ADISHAKTI : The divine feminine

13 videos • 320 views • by V & 3 Creations According to this, the world is produced and renewed by the dialectical play of creation and destruction, cohesion and disintegration. It is through this continuous cycle, dynamic energy is created. Adishakti is the name given to the fundamental creative dynamic force that gives rise to universes. Since the dawn of creation, human beings wondered about the source of this energy. Some realised its significance and sought to benefit mankind by discovering the pathway to this mysterious power. She manifests in different forms, levels, and expressions, as there is no limit to how energy can manifest. She is personified as Lakshmi, Saraswati, Durga, Gaia, Tara and the innumerable goddesses or feminine forms in native cultures across the world. There are Kuladevatas or Kuladevis (ancestral, clan and lineage deities), and Gramadevatas or Gramadevis (village deities) who were appeased for protection, prosperity and general wellbeing. Adishakti is ‘all that is’. As she rises in you, the magic of this primordial force unfolds; you are the same and yet you are not.