himiko - wishful thinking
May 17, 2020 - 801 Views - By himiko






This song has been a while in the making, and it's very close to my heart. Most of these clips are from when I went sailing with my dad in New Zealand a couple of years ago, and this song is me wishfully thinking back to that time where we were free to go wherever we desired. Times have certainly changed, but I hope that this song brings you the essence of the beach, wherever you are.

I'm Sky, a teenager who loves to write songs and play the ukulele. Click 'subscribe' to help me reach 100 by the end of July - you have no idea how much it would mean to me! I post every fortnight on a Sunday, but often a lot more than that.

♫ I film with a Nikon A900
♫ I'm working on playing the piano
♫ I love animals
♫ I love art
♫ I love to write