"To Build A Home" Inspired Ambience | 1 Hour Ambience
Apr 23, 2024 - 247 Views - By yuSkImAFry






This ambiance was made inspired by the "To Build A Home" Song by "The Cinematic Orchestra".

I claim Fair Use for this content as it is transformative in nature. The work uses only the chord progression from the original song "To Build A Home," over which I have composed an entirely original melody, arrangement, and sound effects, creating a 1-hour ambiance. This creative alteration adds new expression and meaning to the original composition, thus qualifying it as a transformative work. The amount of the original work used is limited to the underlying chords, which is a small portion of the original song and does not substitute for the original. My usage does not negatively impact the market for the original song and may, in fact, encourage interest in it.

Sound Effect by md abbas ali from Pixabay