in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
🗓️ Have you thought about which mindful habit you'd like to build in 2025, yet? If so, which one?
18 - 15
📱How many times do you check your phone each day?
I love the convenience of my smartphone. It lets me stay connected with family and friends across the globe. But sometimes, it also leaves me feeling disconnected. Maybe you’ve felt that too.
When convenience turns into mindless scrolling—and eventually full-blown addiction—it’s time for a change.
That’s why I’ve set boundaries to be more intentional with my screen time.
In Thursday’s video, I’ll share what’s worked for me, so you can break free from possible phone addiction and build a healthier relationship with your phone.
See you then!
23 - 3
🎬 UPDATE: After 10 months of absence, I'll publish a new video on Thursday.
In it, I'll explain why I disappeared for almost a year.
In my last two videos, I shared that I had to leave my apartment. Since then, I’ve moved around a bit and stayed in different countries. But I didn’t like it as much as I hoped I would. I felt like I had lost my roots, I wasn’t grounded. I missed having a home.
I also struggled with my health, which I will go into in more detail in Thursday's video.
Hope to see you then! 👋
233 - 37
Hi! 👋 I haven't published a new video for a few weeks because I was sick. But I'm back on my feet. And a new video will be up on the channel tomorrow!
I've been going on a lot of hikes in the woods, practicing what Japanese call Shinrin-Yoku: forest bathing. 🌲 It means healing through being immersed in nature.
It’s about taking your time, wandering, listening to the birds singing, smelling the pine trees, and feeling the breeze on your skin. Taking in the forest through all your senses. Connecting with nature in this way can be a bridge to instant joy and calm.
I'll bring you along on one of those hikes in tomorrow's video.
See you then!
105 - 11
To everyone who took the time to fill out the audience survey last week: thank you so much ❤️ 🙏🏻
It was heartwarming to read all your answers, it made my week! 😊
It's wonderful to hear all your kind words and feedback on the content I put out. And to get a better understanding of:
• why you watch my videos
• what draws you to living with more intention (slow living; minimalism; etc)
• your dream life & current struggles
As one person wrote: "That was a nice therapy session (started from analysing your content and ended up analysing myself)."
I appreciate how open and vulnerable so many of you were in your answers. It makes me really thankful for and appreciative of the community that is starting to form around the channel.
A few things I'd like to share from the feedback:
• One viewer aged 83 (wow!) wrote: "I see great advantage to clearing my space and reducing my activities. 1) avoid accidents, 2) have head space to think and reflect, 3) everything is easier and more serene with a simplified life style, 4) enables better use of time especially for relationships. I wonder if there is a way you could mention this directly regarding the elderly." Consider it shared! 😀
• Someone else wrote that they hadn't told their parents they loved them since they were very young. That made me very sad, I've been there myself. I had to confront that when I had non-stop headaches a decade ago (I talked about those in my video: "Why I Quit My 6-Figure Job as a Lawyer To Live More Slowly"). One thing I've learned: it's never too late to change that, even if it may feel awkward at first. It reminded me of someone I met years ago volunteering. When he was in his early 30s, he left the house one day to go for a run without telling his wife "I love you." When he came back, tragedy had struck. A gas leak had caused an explosion, killing his wife. Can you imagine? When I met him, he was in his 60s and he had found a new wife. He told me that every single time he left her (even for something small like getting groceries) he would always tell her he loved her.
I got many new video ideas from the survey. A few suggestions that were mentioned more than once:
• More videos on how I implement slow living/minimalism. Like a day in the life video or just cooking a recipe.
• More relaxing content, that is calming/soothing to have on in the background while they do something else.
• More travel, outdoors.
• More videos related to work/career change and how to make a living while wanting to practice slow living.
These are all great suggestions! 🙏🏻
I will take all your feedback into account when creating new content.
Heads-up: I already have finished and scheduled a number of videos, so you won't see it reflected immediately. But I'm excited to create new videos, the survey has given me so much inspiration. And I will keep going back to and reflect on your feedback during the year.
Thank you all!! Have a great weekend! ✨
PS. You can still fill out the survey if you haven't yet. Link in the first comment. ⬇
67 - 10
👋 I need your help.
If you watch my channel, you know I create videos about slow living and minimalism.
But I would love to hear your input on how the channel could be better.
So I can create more valuable content for you.
I created a short survey (link in the first comment).
It would mean a lot to me if you would fill it out.
And in the end, it’s going to be you who will benefit the most from it. Because I will have a better idea of what my audience is most interested in.
Thank you so much in advance for participating! I really appreciate it. 🙏🏻
56 - 3
Not too long ago I went through a phase where I felt disconnected from my desire to live a more simple, minimalist lifestyle.
I was living in another apartment, and it had a lot of stuff.
And I felt uninspired, dull, moody.
At one point I was literally visualizing living in an empty apartment with just a bed and the absolute basics, like a toothbrush, a cup and a plate.
Nothing else but space…
However, you can’t always control your environment. What you CAN control are your actions.
So this experience led me to revisit why I was originally drawn to minimalism and living simply.
What it means to me, what I hope to achieve. And a big reason is how it makes me feel. It grounds me, and helps me to focus on the things I care about.
I’ve found that there are 5 proactive steps I can take that will lighten up my mood and make me feel happier, even – or perhaps especially – when my environment pushes me in a different direction.
🔜 I'll go over them in the next video: 5 Simple Ways To Increase Your Happiness
Coming later today!
Happy Friday 😀
74 - 6
Hi! 👋 I'm Peter, an ex-lawyer striving to live a calm(er) life. I make videos about minimalism, intentional living, and slow productivity.