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46 subscribers - no pronouns set

Originally intended as a repository/backup place for some of


Originally intended as a repository/backup place for some of my twitch streams to live while I decide if and when to learn yt and use it correctly. I streamed 3 years regularly at

Update: as of July 2021 I took the twitch affiliate agreement so I’m not uploading here anymore. Youtube is just one more time suck platform and I don’t have the time to properly create and grow a channel. I’m quite satisfied with the immediacy of twitch streams and the occasional highlight or clip that is evergreen on twitch. I do real life organizing and so broadcasting Movement content is satisfying for now🤪

Update Fall 2023: suspended political twitch. Took time off. Built a beast of a pc. Currently experimenting more and more with Synesthesia Live as a visualizer while I listen to playlists or dj live at the same time. Sporadic twitch streams, some with political imagery or lyrics… other times it is just jazz or my DJing house or retro and whatnot. Still just a hobby. 🥳