á¨ááŽá°áľáłááľ á¨á ááá ááááŽá˝á áťáá Inspired to share Gospel songs with lyrics, biblical history and events.
áĽááá áĽááá áááľ áłáááá˝ áĽááááľá á á°á¨áᤠáľáá áĽááá á áá áĽáá˛á ááĽáἠáľáášá áĽááá á áááľ áĽáá˛á°ááĽáᤠá¨áááĽáľáá á°áá á á°á¨áᢠáŚáŞáľ áááĽá¨áľ 1: 16
The purpose of this channel's regular gospel songs is to make it easier for the Christian community in different parts of the world to find gospel songs. It is also a channel designed to help them persevere in the Lord. Therefore, let us respectfully listen to both old and new gospel songs and protect our lives from the evil desires of this world.
Our main goal is to save everyone from the second death through faith in Christ Jesus. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
As we often hear, many people have turned their attention to Christ by listening to the gospel songs. So everyone can preach the gospel in song. We love you so much God bless you.
á¨ááŽá°áľáłááľ á¨á ááá ááááŽá˝á áťáá Inspired to share Gospel songs with lyrics, biblical history and events.
áĽááá áĽááá áááľ áłáááá˝ áĽááááľá á á°á¨áᤠáľáá áĽááá á áá áĽáá˛á ááĽáἠáľáášá áĽááá á áááľ áĽáá˛á°ááĽáᤠá¨áááĽáľáá á°áá á á°á¨áᢠáŚáŞáľ áááĽá¨áľ 1: 16
The purpose of this channel's regular gospel songs is to make it easier for the Christian community in different parts of the world to find gospel songs. It is also a channel designed to help them persevere in the Lord. Therefore, let us respectfully listen to both old and new gospel songs and protect our lives from the evil desires of this world.
Our main goal is to save everyone from the second death through faith in Christ Jesus. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
As we often hear, many people have turned their attention to Christ by listening to the gospel songs. So everyone can preach the gospel in song. We love you so much God bless you.