UNIQUE FORMULA 1 CONTENT - "I am an artist. The track is my canvas and my car is my brush."
🔥 "If we ever do colonize Mars, Formula 1 engineers would be the first people I'd want there." 🔥
▶ I upload videos of all Formula 1 events to the channel. Mostly onboard / visor camera videos & uncut team radio conversations with telemetry data. These are the contents I find interesting, which are highly subjective.
▶ Why do I love this sport? I don't see cars driving around a track for 2 hours, I see the engineering genius that creates these things and the geniuses that can control them.
And of course I love racing!
▶ I hope you like my channel - Scenario 8, full power of the engine*, press and hold overtake.
(*or Power Unit (PU). Current F1 PU features the following 7 elements: internal combustion engine (ICE), motor generator unit-heat (MGU-H), motor generator unit-kinetic (MGU-K), turbocharger, energy store (ES), control electronics (CE) and exhaust.)