Name: Jay.
Previously known as SapphireDragon95/Jmj077/JMJ0788.
Info about myself and this channel: Hi. I use this channel mostly for commenting. You can call this my "phone channel." Because it's the channel I use when I'm on my phone mostly... My profile picture is the Ruf RGT in green. My YouTube banner/background is Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe.
Anyways, now that that's out of the way....Hi. I'm an INFP, tomboy women, goth women, and tsundere women lover fan, Lapis lover and fan, Toph Beifong fan, comic book fan, cartoon lover and fan, videogame fan and lover, car fan and lover, tv fan, and anime lover. I love and am a huge fan of cartoons, cars, movies/film, tv shows, Pokemon, videogames, anime, etc..
Note: I did not make the artwork for my profile picture, youtuber banner/background, or google plus banner/background.