Kabigon Cafe` is a Pokémon channel. We love everything about Pokémon. I started this channel to spread the love & enjoyment of ripping Pokémon packs talk to the community with the same love & Enjoyment I have for the hobby. I am not too worried about views and likes I would just like to grow the channel and enjoy my time with everybody that is sharing their time with me. So, let's enjoy this journey together and see you in the videos and live chats.
Oh, and for those who don't know, snorlax is known as Kabigon in Japan.
Kabigon Cafe` is a Pokémon channel. We love everything about Pokémon. I started this channel to spread the love & enjoyment of ripping Pokémon packs talk to the community with the same love & Enjoyment I have for the hobby. I am not too worried about views and likes I would just like to grow the channel and enjoy my time with everybody that is sharing their time with me. So, let's enjoy this journey together and see you in the videos and live chats.
Oh, and for those who don't know, snorlax is known as Kabigon in Japan.