Welcome to Our New Online End Times Church! Our goal: To proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ per the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20. Jesus died and rose again that we might have forgiveness of sins. Believe in Jesus and accept Him as your Savior, and you will be with Him in paradise!
Venmo: @Bscarb93
Mail Donations to:
Barry Scarbrough
3324 Rue Royale Street #1239
Saint Charles, MO 63301
Please give as the Lord might lead you... It will show "Tradesecrets LLC" on Paypal as I am not a 501(c) 3.
Eternal Security
We believe that, because of the eternal purpose of God toward the objects of His love, because of His freedom to exercise grace toward the meritless on the ground of the blood of Christ, because of the unchangeable covenants of God, because of the regenerating presence of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of all who are saved, we and all true believers everywhere, once saved, shall be kept saved forever.