Hello, I'm Katia Rosana, Entrepreneur, Teacher and Artisan. Paulista, living in Santa Catarina.
Here you will learn Crochet quickly and easily with free tutorials where I teach you the complete step by step in a simple and practical way.
I will teach you how to make amazing pieces like: Bags, Rugs, Flowers, Table Runners, Sousplat, Children's Accessories, etc, for your personal use and/or sell.
Hello, I'm Katia Rosana, Entrepreneur, Teacher and Artisan. Paulista, living in Santa Catarina.
Here you will learn Crochet quickly and easily with free tutorials where I teach you the complete step by step in a simple and practical way.
I will teach you how to make amazing pieces like: Bags, Rugs, Flowers, Table Runners, Sousplat, Children's Accessories, etc, for your personal use and/or sell.