Hello everyone Asslam o alaikum If you are visiting so plz subscribe me.Jazak Allah.
My name is Saleem. I am a content writer and motivational speaker.
Here I post qoutes of all famous scholars and islamic research based content for the motivation purpose.
I hope You all will enjoy and learn a new thing every day.
We will provide u with new motivational videos everyday for healing,achieving ur goals and for self improvements.
Trying to be a positive influencer for all those who are depressed and deceived.
If u like my videos and efforts plzz do share with ur family and friends.
مطمئن ہو جاؤ !
"عنقریب تمہارا اللّه تمہیں اتنا عطاء فرماے گا کہ
تم خوش ہو جاؤ گے "