Welcome to The Fortbloxians LHRMB or for short the LHRMB stands for the people of our channel. Lucas (Creator) Harry (Youtuber 1) Reuben (Best Youtuber that is not Lucas) Murray (Co-Youtuber and helps all the time with PTFS) and Brandon (Sometimes helps but doesn't always help because busy)
We tend to do roblox videos mostly with me, reuben and Harry and sometimes Murray.
Our most popular series right now is the original The War with 3 Seasons right now all with 4 episodes each.
Don't forget our The War was made originally 7 months ago with me Harry and sometimes Brandon.
The reason we say originally is because a new creator bigger than us called PTFS Creators have made a series called The PTFS World War made around 2 weeks ago.
I hope it didn't take long to read this and don't forget to like, subscribe and hit the bell so you are notified when a new upload has been made.