Let’s open our world! For almost a decade momondo has worked for a more open world; a better world.
Our aim is to break down boundaries between people across the globe. For years we have put our energy into making travel easier, because we know that travelling makes us more trusting and tolerant towards other people, religions and nationalities.
Our purpose is to give courage and to encourage each and every one of us to stay curious and be open minded, so we can all enjoy a better world and a more diversified world.
We hope you’re curious to check it out and join in!
We love hearing from you and welcome conversation and comments on this page, however please remember to talk nicely. This means that you should write with respect for others’ opinions, you must not harass others, be hateful or use offensive language. We reserve the right to hide or delete posts that: violate our rules, are defamatory, offensive, or spammy in nature.