Welcome to my channel! 🤗❤️🌼🌸I create ASMR videos of my personal favorite items purely for entertainment, informational purposes and relaxation.
My videos are not sponsored. All products shown have been acquired by me personally and all opinions are my own. I hope you enjoy these videos which I personally create and edit. If you do, please subscribe, comment and like. This allows for my channel to grow and for me to know which contents you enjoy the most, and gives me an idea of what to post.
DISCLAIMER: I do not review replica bags nor counterfeit bags or products, only authentics. Any bags shown on this channel are free of designer branding and/or designer logos. None of them look or are made exactly like any authentic brands because manufacturers add their own touch/details to these bags, they do not use any logos or branding to make sure there isn’t any copyright violations. If you have any questions about any products feel free to post it in the video comments. Thank you
Welcome to my channel! 🤗❤️🌼🌸I create ASMR videos of my personal favorite items purely for entertainment, informational purposes and relaxation.
My videos are not sponsored. All products shown have been acquired by me personally and all opinions are my own. I hope you enjoy these videos which I personally create and edit. If you do, please subscribe, comment and like. This allows for my channel to grow and for me to know which contents you enjoy the most, and gives me an idea of what to post.
DISCLAIMER: I do not review replica bags nor counterfeit bags or products, only authentics. Any bags shown on this channel are free of designer branding and/or designer logos. None of them look or are made exactly like any authentic brands because manufacturers add their own touch/details to these bags, they do not use any logos or branding to make sure there isn’t any copyright violations. If you have any questions about any products feel free to post it in the video comments. Thank you