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New Perspective

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I talk about movies. Please subscribe. Contact Email: new.p

New Perspective
2 years ago - 14 likes

Have you seen my newest video? I finally made one after all those months, and I worked really really hard on it so I hope you guys like it. Please share it if you can, that would make me smile :^)

Part 2 is in the works, and also working on a short film. Part 2 is in the writing phase, and the short film is in pre-production.

New Perspective
2 years ago - 22 likes

I'm really, really sorry for being so inactive. The video I've been working on for what feels like forever now is technically around the halfway point. However, it's taking me far too long to get it done, and is becoming more and more difficult to structure the longer it becomes. So I'm thinking of splitting it into two parts. Releasing what I have now as part 1, then part 2 would be the second half. Let me know what you think.

New Perspective
2 years ago - 10 likes

50% off Criterion Collection sale at Barnes & Noble!

New Perspective
2 years ago - 21 likes

Here's some behind the scenes of me slaving away at this third Heaven's Gate video. Well, tbh, this one is more about Hollywood and how it's "changed" over the years. I'm now halfway done with the video, as things seem to be moving along smoothly now, so hopefully I can finish sometime soon :^)

New Perspective
2 years ago - 12 likes

Hello everyone! Thank you all for subscribing to my channel. I've recently unlocked the ability to create posts so I figure I'd give you all an update on my next video. I'm currently hard at work on it, and I know it's been like 3 months already but I'm about 35-40% finished. I'm at about the 20 minute mark and I think when I finish it should be about an hour. I work a full time office job so it's quite difficult to edit every single day, but I do try. Anywho, I am working on the next video, which is going to be my best yet I think. Really putting my all into this. So as the saying goes, "great things come to those who wait" - Someone idk