Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. We are a community supporting each other in uplifting our lives and the world to experience greater peace, love, and joy.
The core values of Unity Renaissance are love, acceptance, creativity, community and spirit-centered to emanate peace love and wisdom with affirmative prayer and meditation, spiritual social action.
We believe Jesus expressed his divine potential and sought to show humankind how to express ours as well. We see Jesus as Master Teacher of universal truths and as our Way-Shower. In Unity, we use the term “Christ” to mean the divinity in all of humankind.
Unity Renaissance is an inclusive spiritual community that honors and welcomes all people, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and any other descriptor. All are welcome to visit us in person at our Chesapeake, Virginia location at 1120 Eden Way N or vi