Lamartine Posella is the presiding pastor at Igreja Batista Palavra Viva (YAH Church) in São Paulo and acts as a preacher, theologian, musician, pianist, guitarist, composer, writer, and lecturer.
Married since 1983 to Lylian Posella, he has a daughter, Érica, a son in law, Ramon, and two grandsons, Enzo and John.
Every day a new video with a message of faith, studies on Biblical Hebrew, eschatology, hermeneutics, and everything that surrounds the Bible.
Lamartine Posella is the presiding pastor at Igreja Batista Palavra Viva (YAH Church) in São Paulo and acts as a preacher, theologian, musician, pianist, guitarist, composer, writer, and lecturer.
Married since 1983 to Lylian Posella, he has a daughter, Érica, a son in law, Ramon, and two grandsons, Enzo and John.
Every day a new video with a message of faith, studies on Biblical Hebrew, eschatology, hermeneutics, and everything that surrounds the Bible.