Homesteading ,maple syrup, gardening, chickens, Ducks, pigs, hunting, Canning.,Tractor, chainsaw.
We started homestead just before Covid here in the NEP. I am originally for the Southern tier of New York. I am a veteran and former volunteer firefighter.My wife is from Philly. My grand parents had a homestead where I fell in love with the life style. Just took me 30 years to have my dream. We own ten acres of land off the main roads and love it.
I work a full time job as a facilities operator for a natural gas company. It’s a 7 on 7 off night shift which work very well with our homesteading. We are by far professional movie, video and or content creators. It’s just real life for us.
YouTube had been our go to on just about everything, plus we like to share some of our ideas to all of you. So please subscribe, like and share. Oh and don’t forget to comment.
Check out us on Facebook @ The Jack Homestead, Instagram @ The Jack Homestead.