AACS澳藏精舍是位于澳大利亚的一个收藏家组织。 致力于中国文物收藏,欣赏,鉴赏,交流。传播中华文化,让海外华人看到我们身边的中国文物,让祖国同胞了解在海外的中国文物,让不同地域和文明的朋友们看到我们中国文化千年历史沉淀。
AACS aimes to promoting Chinese cultures and art works through various activities and channels, forming networks for people of the similar interest, providing information for members to excel in the field, and connecting and liasing with other bodies to achieve the objectives.
AACS澳藏精舍是位于澳大利亚的一个收藏家组织。 致力于中国文物收藏,欣赏,鉴赏,交流。传播中华文化,让海外华人看到我们身边的中国文物,让祖国同胞了解在海外的中国文物,让不同地域和文明的朋友们看到我们中国文化千年历史沉淀。
AACS aimes to promoting Chinese cultures and art works through various activities and channels, forming networks for people of the similar interest, providing information for members to excel in the field, and connecting and liasing with other bodies to achieve the objectives.