Living with no regrets.
Dear Virtual Diary,
Today is 26th of May 2020 and I decided to make my YouTube channel. This is my virtual diary where I share adventures of my life. I want to show people how I see life and help them see theirs on a better view. I hope this would reach and inspire everyone as much as I put my heart in it.
Let us all grow together and make the greatest world through our best selves!
📌FAQs About Me:
•I was born on May 17 in Manila, Philippines.
•I am currently 160cm tall.
•I am a former PPop Idol Trainee at ShowBt Philippines (for more details about it check out my vlog: 'My Trainee Experience at Sb Talent Camp' and vlog series: 'Journey At The Camp')
📌Social Media Accounts:
•facebook: Margee Lacsina
•instagram: @eegramm
•twitter: @Eegrammm
•tiktok: @eegrammm
•wattpad: @Eegrammm
•lyka: @eegrammm
•snapchat: @Eegrammm
•pinterest: @Eegrammm