When a thought becomes the process then it comes true as SANGEET PRAVAH WORLD. A thought towards teaching music to the world by Pandit Avadhkishor Pandey is in front of you as Sangeet Pravah World Episodes making the whole world learn true & complete Music.
Sangeet Pravah World stated "Music is Self-Productive". This Gratuitous Institution teaches with the philosophy of its originator that Music is like a pravah (regular flow) not like still water in a pool. This river is flowing regularly towards its origin. The end of this pravah is infinity. If you want to go there & want to feel the paramanand (Bliss) of music then flow with this pravah, Sangeet Pravah World.
The methodology of teaching of this music world is ingenious and something unique. It does not follow the regular teaching pattern as all the institutions does. "It is not the teacher who teaches. It is the Student who learns." This statement can clearly display the motive of Sangeet Pravah World.