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The channel ikon and background is Lena Temnikova of Serebr


The channel ikon and background is Lena Temnikova of Serebro.

Sogdia or Sogdiana (Согдиана, 粟特) is one of the ancient Persian tribes in Central Asia. We were once part of Persian Achaemenid Empire reached to today's Afghanistan, listed in the Behistum Inscription of 500 BC on Mt. Behistun in today's Iran, and described as the major merchants along the silk road in the ancient Chinese history books on the "Western Region" (西域).


We were different tribes with different names: Scythians (Скифы, 斯基泰; Scyths, Scythia, Saceans; Saka, Sai, Саки, 塞種; Dahae, Дахи), Tocharians (Тохары, 吐火罗; Tokharoi, Tchari; Yuezhi, Юэчжи, 月氏; Kushan, Кушанское, 貴霜), Wusun (Усуни, 烏孫; Issedones Исседоны), Massagetae (Массагеты), Thyssagetae (Фиссагеты), Sarmatians (Сарматы, 萨尔马提亚人; Alans Аланы, 奄蔡 Alanliao Aorsi, Yen-tsai, 奄蔡), Dayuan (Давань, 大宛), Kangju (Кангюй, 康居), Khwarezm (Хорезм, 花剌子模 Chorasmia) and Sogdiana (Согдиана, 粟特, Sogdia ) were all ancient Persian tribes in Central Asia long before 500 BC.

Today's Afghanistan, Tajikistan and parts of Uzbekistan still maintain the ancient Persian language and civilization.

Turkics/Turks are Turko-Mongolian Tribes originated from today's south Siberia. The ancesters of Uyghurs (Уйгуры, 维吾尔) is Xiongnu (Хунну, 匈奴). The earliest written record of Xiongnu or Turk (Tujue, Гёктюрк, 突厥) in history was in Chinese Han Dynasty around 150BC. The earliest use of the term "Uyghur" in history was in Chinese Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534 AD). Turko-Mongolian Tribes came to Central Asia very late in human history. Uyghur Empires (742-848 AD, Уйгурский империя, 回纥, 回鶻) was in today's Mongolia with the capital at Ordu Baliq that located 300 km west of Ulaanbaatar (close to today's Hotont). Uyghurs escaped to today's Tarim Basin (in today's Xinjiang) only after Kyrgyz annihilation of Uyghur Empire in 848 AD. Uyghurs was the first among all the Turkics/Turks to learn the read and write. We Sogdians taught Uyghurs how to read and write after they escaped from Mongolia.


Show your gratitude and appreciation to Persians because Persians taught you kareez that gives you the irrigation and food, taught you blast furnaces and forges that give you the iron tools for farming and hunting, taught you loom-weaving that gives you the cloths and carpets, taught you to reading and writing so you know how to write down your history and stories, taught you math and medicine so you know ho