Hi, welcome to my channel
My name is Andy (member of a Calvary Chapel), I'm also a preacher of the Gospel on the streets. The purpose of my channel is to help lay Christians fulfill The Great Commission by first training, equipping, and encouraging Christians to defend and preach the gospel mainly through open air preaching, but other methods will be presented. Second to disciple believers into maturity. The content on this channel comes from a layman who has experience in the field of evangelism and not from the academic world of seminaries and bible colleges.
Statement of Faith
-KJV only
-The Trinity
-Universal church and local church
-Believer's baptism and the Lord's supper
-Justification by faith (I reject Lordship Salvation)
-All spiritual gifts continue on today
-Baptism with the Holy Ghost
-Eternal security
-Laying on of hands
-Divine healing
-Pre - Tribulation Rapture