Kirtan is the Yugadharma of this Dark Age of Kaliyuga. Radha Krishna Kirtan Channel presents a unique offering of of Radha Krishna Kirtans. Most of these kirtans are written by the 5th original Jagadguru of the world, Jagadguruttam Shri Kripaluji Maharaj.
Hidden in these kirtans, are a variety of transcendental mellows (rasas), like the mood of separation(viraha bhaav), the mood of union (milan bhaav), the mood of celebration, etc and many more, through which our mind is naturally drawn to the divine pastimes of Radha Krishna and Bhakti becomes a natural outcome
Enjoy the blissful kirtans and purify your mind as a result of it. Most of these kirtans are devotional offerings by the devotees at the Radha Krishna Temple Of Dallas at the feet of God & Guru.