The rulers of Qing China:
洪太極 – Hong Taiji (1626-1643)
順治世祖 – Shunzhi Shizu (1644–1661)
康熙聖祖 – Kangxi Shengzu (1662–1722)
雍正世宗 – Yongzheng Shizong (1723–1735)
乾隆高宗 – Qianlong Kaozong (1736–1795)
嘉慶仁宗 – Jiaqing Renzong (1796–1820)
道光宣宗 – Daoguang Xuanzong (1821–1850)
咸豐文宗 – Xianfeng Wenzong (1850–1861)
同治穆宗 – Tongzhi Muzong (1862–1875)
光緒德宗 – Guangxu Dezong (1875–1908)
宣統溥儀 – Xuantong Puyi (1908–1912)
Precursor of the Qing -- 明朝 - Ming
Succesor of the Qing -- 中華民國 - Republic of China
Brief History:
The Qing Dynasty conquered China in 1644, after defeating the Ming dynasty. Under the Qing Dynasty, China reached its biggest extend. The country streched from Outer Mongolia and the Amuric Country to the southern province of Yunnan. The fall started around the 19th century, after many conflicts, which expanded the influence of great powers in China. This continued up to 1912, until the Republic of China was proclaimed.
The rulers of Qing China:
洪太極 – Hong Taiji (1626-1643)
順治世祖 – Shunzhi Shizu (1644–1661)
康熙聖祖 – Kangxi Shengzu (1662–1722)
雍正世宗 – Yongzheng Shizong (1723–1735)
乾隆高宗 – Qianlong Kaozong (1736–1795)
嘉慶仁宗 – Jiaqing Renzong (1796–1820)
道光宣宗 – Daoguang Xuanzong (1821–1850)
咸豐文宗 – Xianfeng Wenzong (1850–1861)
同治穆宗 – Tongzhi Muzong (1862–1875)
光緒德宗 – Guangxu Dezong (1875–1908)
宣統溥儀 – Xuantong Puyi (1908–1912)
Precursor of the Qing -- 明朝 - Ming
Succesor of the Qing -- 中華民國 - Republic of China
Brief History:
The Qing Dynasty conquered China in 1644, after defeating the Ming dynasty. Under the Qing Dynasty, China reached its biggest extend. The country streched from Outer Mongolia and the Amuric Country to the southern province of Yunnan. The fall started around the 19th century, after many conflicts, which expanded the influence of great powers in China. This continued up to 1912, until the Republic of China was proclaimed.