This YouTube channel shares full-length videos solely for educational purposes, fostering awareness and understanding of authentic teachings, without endorsing or representing any false or extremist ideologies.
Mohsin Zahid Khan aspires to uphold and propagate the divine word of Allah, deeply rooted in the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, supported by authentic references from the Quran and Hadith. His noble mission aspires to unite Muslims under one banner i.e., "ISLAM" so that the lost "MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD" can be revived, regardless of any school of thought, or sect (Firka).
Mohsin Zahid Khan embraces all Muslim Sects as part of the greater Ummah, refraining from labeling any sect as non-believers ( *Kafir* ), with the sole exception of :
(1) Qadiyanis—an offshoot of the Sunni school
(2) Nusairis—an offshoot of the Shia school.
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"Islam will Win with or without You, but You will Certainly Lose without Islam."